Raising the Steaks
By 2050 we have to be able to feed around 10 billion people. Finding sustainable ways to meet this demand in an affordable way is on all our minds. We're here to advocate for sustainable cattle and great genetics. Raising the Steaks will look at real world examples of how dairy producers, beef producers, cattle feeders, ranchers, and packers continuously try to meet the needs of an ever growing population. Clearly and openly communicating with consumers and producers about what we do is the primary goal. Optimum genetic progress has the ability to feed the world, we want to explain why.
Raising the Steaks
Sustainable Cattle Production - with Samantha Wilson and Lamar Steiger
Beef InFocus™ ABS Global USA
Season 1
Episode 5
In this episode ABS NuEra and Beef InFocus™ Brand Manager, Samantha Wilson explains what sustainability means to ABS and how we can continue to grow in our mission to provide solutions for our producers in the years to come.
In segment two, we talk to Walmart's Fresh Meat Consultant and The 808 Ranch Owner, Lamar Steiger about what large grocery chains need to give consumers what they want. We also cover current events, like how the pandemic effected market prices and demand for beef, and how important it is to keep the lights on and doors open in the face of natural disasters.
These were some great conversations that you won't want to miss out on!